Despite the number of times in a day that Judith asks to watch "Diego", she really does like to play. One of her favorite toys is a piece of string ("snake") from one of my current crochet projects. Recently she's gotten a hold of a few pieces of Lion Brand homespun, which is made up of several thicknesses of string wound together. She's unwound the edges into a "tail" and decided that they're mermaids. Two of them accompanied us to the grocery store yesterday, with the understanding that if Mama had to hold them, they'd be thrown away. They made it home from the store just fine, but Daddy threw one away last night, and we'll see how long it takes for Judith to notice that it's missing.
Grandma also helped Judith open the easel that she got for Christmas. It's got a chalkboard on one side, and a magnetic white board on the other. Judith had a great time lining up the included alphabet magnets by color. We tried to help her make words, but she was pretty set on colors needing to be together, and there's only about half the alphabet in each color. We'll have to purchase some chalk and some dry-erase markers to go with the easel. Neither were included, although an eraser was!
Step-Count Update:
I was planning to begin a recurring section periodically tracking my steps this year, but, sadly, I dropped my pedometer yesterday afternoon, and the sensor is doesn't count steps! So this item's on hold until I get a replacement or find something else :-).
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