The third week of January may be a little late to talk about New Year's Resolutions. I'm getting around that faux pax by calling them "Goals for the Year". And I'm blogging about it so that I will be completely honest with myself a month from now, six months from now, and in December.
Although some of these have a specific end, most of these goals are about building better habits. So, 10 goals for 2012:
- I will reach and maintain my weight loss goal.
- I will plan more healthy meals for myself and my family (not just meals that aren't high in calories) including salads with most dinners.
- I will study my Bible more regularly and more passionately.
- I will make time (and arrange child care) for more dates with Lance.
- I will research and create a plan for homeschooling Judith.
- I will invite guests for dinner at least once every two months.
- I will more closely follow our grocery budget, curbing splurge impulses.
- I will not go to bed without cleaning up the kitchen.
- I will care for my houseplants so that they thrive instead of being just barely kept alive.
- I will blog at least once per week.