On a positive note, Judith's been sleeping much better - and we didn't have to take naptime away (yay!). She's adjusted to taking her afternoon nap around 12:30, and she's slept 10 hours straight for the last two nights (I'm hoping that's a trend, and not just a coincidence, we'll have to wait and see). Here's a beautiful picture that Lance took of her sleeping:
I took this picture to show how proficient she's becoming at feeding herself with a spoon. Yes, she gets oatmeal all over the place, but it can all go back in the bowl, and eventually gets into her mouth. Incidentally, she loves oatmeal ("ohbeal"), and eats about a cup of it every morning.
Here's a picture of her playing with the alphabet magnets that Grandma Judi made for her - on this day she was transferring them one-by-one from the back of the front door (it's metal) to the wall (magnetic painted).