I’ve been wrestling for a while with when we should all eat
the same thing for dinner every night.
This is a somewhat difficult question in our family anyway, since I’m
vegetarian and Lance isn’t; since I’m a “picky” eater, and Lance isn’t; and
since I also tend to be dieting endlessly...but for those nights when the two
adults are, in fact, eating the same thing, should Judith also be “required” to
eat only that?
Sometime last fall, I instigated “family dinner time”
during which we all sit at the table together, and no one leaves until everyone
is finish eating (yes, some dinners get very long as we wait for Judith
to finish!). This began as an attempt
to change our habit of eating dinner in front of the TV every night, but it also
quickly occurred to me that it could be a way to “encourage” Judith to eat what
we eat. That’s easy when we’re having
pita pizzas or grilled cheese or quesadillas.
Even make-your-own salad night works, because I can put together a plate
of the things she likes out of the salad choices (and she’ll eat just about
anything dipped in ranch dressing!). My
dilemma comes on a night like tonight.
Lance and I had beans and rice (a favorite of ours: sautéed mushrooms,
garbanzos, kidney beans, black beans, and canned tomatoes, served over brown
rice and garnished with sour cream or grated cheese). Judith had cheese and crackers and a banana. I’ve never offered her the beans and rice
dish, because I know (assume?) she doesn’t like mushrooms or tomatoes (at least she hasn’t yet). She’s tried a
garbanzo bean once or twice, and not minded it, but not asked for more. So I go the easy route and make her a
separate meal (easy in terms of getting her fed, not easier to make).
And I don’t know if that’s the right thing to do.
At almost-three-and-a-half should she be eating beans
and rice? Should I make the “rule” that
she eats what we eat and there’s no other option? (Then how do I explain that Daddy and Mama don’t eat the same things?) Or do I continue to do what I’m doing: serving her what we’re having when I know
she’ll like it (pushing the boundaries on occasion) and making a separate meal
for her when I know she’ll refuse the adults’ option?
On the “don’t like” side she includes most meat (which is
pretty understandable given how infrequently we actually have meat in the
house), tomatoes, avocado/guacamole, mushrooms, sharp cheeses... And she will predictably turn up her nose
completely at something she hasn’t had before.
We explain frequently that she can’t say she doesn’t like something if
she hasn’t tasted it, but she’s unlikely to taste anything on the first
try...or even the fifth try. (In fact,
I have really no idea what makes her eventually taste something at all!)
So I know that the nights she gets served something
new she won’t eat dinner. In theory I
know it’s not a horrendous thing for her to miss a meal, but it can be
frustrating to “waste” food getting her to try it, enforce “this is your
dinner,” and know that she’s still hungry!
So this remains a dilemma.
I am thankful that she eats more than one specific food. I am thankful that she is healthy. I am (usually) willing to continue to make
her a separate meal several times a week.
So it’ll probably be a while before I come to a decision.
Nathan comments "Beef. It's what's for dinner."
I've never thought of this as a big issue, mainly because I try to approach it very matter of factly, so it doesn't become "an issue." I have served Bix pretty much what the grown ups eat since he started eating solids (in appropriate form, of course), so it's just normal to eat what we eat. Bix has things he won't eat (potatoes!), and I serve him a smaller portion when it's on the menu, but I try to be low key about it.
The cool thing about you sometimes having two different meals it's that you can let her pick some from either meal. You can just serve her a little of what mama has and a little of what daddy has, or if you are feeling nice you can say, "this it's what I'm making, and you can decide what you'd like."
If you feel bad (which I don't recommend), you can supplement with [healthy] snacks you know she will like.
Amanda - tell Nathan beef isn't for dinner unless HE's cooking it :-)
Cait...thanks. I've pretty much served Judith her own thing until very recently...so I'm trying to change that (obviously)!
This was a big question in our house with our first born as well, and gradually got smaller, until with our third, we had to discourage him from eating what we were eating when he was too young to have certain foods! Anyway, I would encourage you to start feeding Judith what you eat sooner than later, and treat it like it's a privilege, part of being a big girl that she eats what Mom and Dad eat. In my experience, if you expect a battle, you'll get one. To my dismay, my oldest is a very picky eater, and we still struggle (at 11) to get her to try new things. She will, because she knows we mean business, but the attitude is no fun! My youngest, will eat anything! At 3, he is hesitant to try new things (as are most toddlers) but much more willing than my other two, and usually ends up liking what he tried, unlike the other two. He loves raw onions, pickles, spicy salsa, many things that my other kids still won't eat if not forced. I believe it is because we have never "adjusted" what we give him. When we have tacos, he has everything on his that Travis and I have, same for burgers, etc.
Now, there's always personality issues, too. My oldest is definitely a drama queen, and my youngest is extrememly compliant and laid back - but I still believe that if I hadn't decided for my oldest that she wouldn't like something, and therefore didn't even give it to her, that she wouldn't be as picky today.
Hope that helps - ultimately, you are Judith's Mommy, you know her best, and you have to decide what works best for her, you, and your family. :) I still wish mine had come with owner's manuals!!!
PS - really wish there was some easy (and cheap) way to visit you guys - Judith sounds like such a wonderful little girl and I would love to meet her, and have you meet my kids! Miss you lots! Maybe we should try to plan some kind of reunion!
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